COVID-19 Has Added to our Lexicon!

New York Governor Andrew Cuomo’s daily NYS Coronavirus Update of October 23, 2020 provided a list of new words or phrases readers submitted as part of a ‘semi-official’ COVID dictionary. Here are a few of the entries:

Coronahobby — “A new hobby you took up to pass the time at home, e.g. needlepoint or bread-baking.”

New York Tough — “Coming together, being strong, putting differences aside, getting through this.”

Blursday — “When all the days of the week start to blur together.”

Birthday Parade — “A birthday celebrated with friends and families driving by in cars, blasting songs and displaying signs and balloons.”

Rona — “For when you just don’t have the energy to say the whole thing.”

Covidiot — “Someone who ignores the warnings regarding public health or safety.”

Quarantine Fifteen — “The pounds a few of us may have put on while staying at home.”

Six-Foot Shuffle — “When strangers walking down the street or waiting in line move to give each other six feet of distance.”

Chin Guard — A mask worn below the mouth and nose.”

Do you have new words or phrases to add?